Relais Rione Ponte – Boutique Hotels Rome
Via Giuseppe Zanardelli, 20, Roma - Tel:+39 06 93576629Style Art Guesthouse
Setting Lively Piazza Navona
Why visit Great location
Price from €130/night
Medium price hotels
Style Art Guesthouse
Setting Lively Piazza Navona
Why visit Great location
Price from €130/night
Style Modern mountain
Setting Mountain-top
Why visit us Amazing views
Price from €100/night
Style Traditional farmhouse
Setting The Tuscan hills
Why rent it Everything as it should be
Style Stylish Villa
Setting Country-beach
Why rent it Modern comforts
Style Traditional Trullo
Setting Olive groves
Why rent it Unique experience
Style Aristocratic elegance
Setting City center
Why visit Superb location
Price from €150 per night
Style Chic country-house
Setting Bucolic Sicily
Why rent it Beach at your fingertip