Masseria Potenti – Boutique Hotels Puglia
Contrada Potenti, Manduria - Style Country chic
Setting Beautiful countryside
Why visit us Our delicious food
Price from €180/night
Near the Beach hotels, villas, chic guesthouses
Style Country chic
Setting Beautiful countryside
Why visit us Our delicious food
Price from €180/night
Style Country chic
SettingBeautiful countryside
Why visit us Our friendly hospitality
Price from €180/night
Style Traditional minimalist
Setting Among olive groves
Why visit Explore SouthPuglia
Price from €100/night
Style Rustic glamour
Setting Coast into country
Why visit us Laid-back fun
Price from €300/night
Style Rustic minimalist
Setting Salento countryside
Why visit us Our warm hospitality
Price from €70/night
Style Traditional Modern
Setting Seaside village
Why visit Great comfort
Price from €190/night
Style Romantic chic
Setting Hilltop
Why visit Get away from it all
Price from €220/night
Style Mod rustic interiors
Setting Serene Countryside
Why rent it Fabulous far-reaching views
Style Chic Sardinian
Setting Serene bay-side seclusion
Why rent it Breathtaking views
Style Stylish Villa
Setting Country-beach
Why rent it Modern comforts
Style Traditional charm
Setting Sea-front
Why rent it Breathtaking sea-views
Style Modern comfort
Setting Near the beach
Why rent it Lovely small villa